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October 14, 2013

Hentai: Soredemo Tsuma Wo Aishiteru

Genres: , , , ,

2.03M 737


  • Mustache man 11 years ago

    24:54 scared the shit out of me!

  • Mustache man 11 years ago

    The nurse was so fucking hot.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    And i guess she restart to cheat with the last guy,she is only a slut.

    For me she is die when the baby was born hohohoh :)

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


    first the old man,after the other guy now this guy and she “cry” for his husband when he go ONE time with a prostitute?!! Damn she is worst than him.If you say “ok his guy is a shit” but heeey you forgot something she haves a lot of sex with the fucking old man and the other.


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Ok,you can don’t know know about the story,so don’ tell “don’t watch it :P”

    however,is a hentai :D many girls are sluts in hentais.(not every girl of course)

  • !hentailuvr! 11 years ago

    Nanami is a fucking bitch. Ok, I get that at first you were forced into fucking guys, but then you actually began to enjoy it. And although you claimed to love Suuichi, you ended up fucking a guy who apparently loved you since college. Your ass cheated on Suuichi, willing might I add, more than once. Then your neighbor, who found your husband cheat on you one time, sends you a pic of of him and the woman. That’s one time. He didn’t want to at first because he loved you that much, but he thought about you and that’s how got it over and done with it. You Nanami, fucked your neighbor more than once, then claim to love him. So you leave Suuichi to be with him? What fucked up sense does that make!!! And the reason Suuichi went limp was because he thought of how he cheated on you. He didn’t want that on his conscience. Suuichi loved you, which is why he never went back to cheat on you. You may be a fictional character, and though you were created, I hate you. This hentai sucked. I really thought that she would confess. But the truth is, she never loved Suuichi. She enjoyed cheating on him. She wasn’t woman enough to confess for sins, so she left him to be with another. And she’d probably do the same to the next guy. I feel so sorry for Suuchi.

    • If you don’t like these sort of hentai plots, don’t watch it, it’s that simple. Besides, despite Nanami being in the wrong for cheating and enjoying cheating on him, Shuuichi doesn’t have to cheat back at her, how immature is that? If you know your spouse cheated, you don’t cheat to get back at them, you confront them and either leave or work it out if you can handle that. When you leave them you can fuck whoever you want, you don’t sink to their level and cheat as well.

      • Anonymous 11 years ago

        I tell you something she is a bitch :) not a woman what do you expect for this shit girl? I am happy he do that and she make her cry.

      • Anonymous 11 years ago

        you forgot,she haves sex with the old man and the other before

        SO SHE IS A FUCKING SLUT A WHORE.She can say NOTHING about his husband cheat her ONE TIME so don’t tell me that crap.

      • !hentailuvr! 11 years ago

        I watched it to see if it would get better and to see if she would actually tell Suuichi the damn truth. Its like when I watch anime, I want to watch and see if it actually gets better. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t. If I didn’t like the way it ended, then i’m going to say something about it. I’m upset over the fact that she does’t come clean about it. And whether or not this video ties in with the rest, she still cheated on him, not once, but multiple times. Suuichi didn’t want to cheat on her, but he did, and he regretted it. She obviously didn’t care when she fucked the neighbor more than once. Nanami was in the wrong. She could’ve confronted Suuichi about it, and he might’ve told her that he made a mistake and that it wouldn’t happen ever again. But because she saw what the neighbor sent her, she did not grow any lady balls and tell Suuichi what was brought to her. But instead she was a fucking bitch, and fucked the damn neighbor and dropped Suuichi like he was yesterdays garbage.

      • SHadow 11 years ago

        People do like stories, it’s what grabs their attention.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      tell you something she is a bitch :) not a woman what do you expect for this shit girl? I am happy he do that and she make her cry.

      • bitch please 11 years ago

        BIATCHES quite complaining and eat a chocolate chip cookie

    • LetsPlayTogether! 11 years ago

      I agree with hentai. Nanami was in the wrong. She should have confessed. That’s I would’ve done, and if the consequences were dire, then I could live with that. Even if Suuichi didn’t want to cheat on her, he still thought about her. And like hentai said, when he went to have sex with her that night, he felt so guilty of what he did, he just couldn’t commit. Now Suuichi is also in the wrong, and he could have told Nanami as well, but he was hurt by his own betrayal! And that neighbor probably set him up too.

      • emurder99 11 years ago

        so tru hentailuvr so tru i mean sure he regret the fact he cheated once but she couldn’t come to terms that she cheated on him 3 times i mean when you watch the second ep. where find his old college buddy fucking her to get over the guys that fucked her

  • phantom 11 years ago

    Why does hentai have so much rape an cheating in it

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Because people who like that sort of thing can’t watch real porn where people get raped. Same with loli stuff and etc.

    • you watch what you choose. Hentai produces whatever viewers like and request.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Apparently it is suppose to be a turn on in the market, judging by how much of it there is. In fact, I think there is a larger ratio of hentai with rape and/or cheating than there are with simply a loving couple who only sleep with each other.

      The rarity of it, is kinda why I find vanilla so appealing.

  • mrsgt 11 years ago

    moral of the story… dont cheat

    • true dat. pisses me off on how she can do it with 3 different guys, and he does it once

    • phantom 11 years ago

      No the moral of the story is don’t get caught cheating

      • BadNate 11 years ago

        No, moral of the story is- you cheat and you deserve to have your genitals maimed beyond repair.

        • !hentailuvr! 11 years ago

          No the moral of the story is, check your significant other and make sure that they aren’t cheating on you. And if they are, don’t cheat on them. Instead go above and beyond for them. Take them to dinner, spoil them, buy them nice gifts. Make them feel guilty to the point where they want to tell you what they did. Then on your very next anniversary, or special day, tell them what you found out about their cheating. Show proof. Then leave their ass. And don’t ever take them back, no matter how much they apologize. They just missed out on the best thing ever. It will make them hate themselves for doing what they did. And if they kill themselves, oh well. You shouldn’t have had cheated in the first place bitch!!

          • There is no moral of the story… it’s fucking porn. Since when do they make these with intentions of teaching morals and values to their viewers. Your morals are as you choose, if they change after watching this or any hentai for that matter, you have a problem.

            • Anonymous 11 years ago

              I like you.

              • Anonymous 11 years ago

                Guys just shut da fuck up and watch the God damn hentai. Cuz I know we’re u live and I will brake dat computer If ya don’t shut da fuck up.

              • plz bitch plz 11 years ago

                Bro uNder my comment u have the right idea so every one just shut da fuck up. It’s God damn annoying with all these comments.

          • The Pussy Bandit 11 years ago

            Well said but dont waste all that time and money spoiling that bitch. Tell her you caugght her cheatin and drop that ho. Problem solved

  • Pewdiepie 11 years ago

    haha I love this brofist

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • Is it just me or did the girl he cheated with look alot like the pregnant bitch?

  • Pewdiepie 11 years ago


  • YOLOSWAG 11 years ago

    i dont get the ending?

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    So she cheats on him with like 3 different guy and don’t say a word about it. He goes to get some pussy. She finds out and fuck their next door neighbor then leaves his ass what the fuck.

    • i think this is a different version of them

      • phantom 11 years ago

        No its the same story line the 2nd episode pulls into this one she escaped those other 3 dudes some how or another an tries to have her old life again when she catches her husband but my question who the fuck took the picture picture of her husband cheating it just shows up then she’s fucking the next door neighbor coincidence?!? I think not

    • phantom 11 years ago

      Thank u thank u finally some makes some sense

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • Fat Ballz 11 years ago

    All porn and adulteries don’t excite anymore. As of right now Im coverting to Christianity!

    • SKI CultTaha 11 years ago

      nobody fuckin cares you fucking piece of shit

    • heheheh 11 years ago

      gr8 b8 m8
      i r8 it – 8/8
      pls don’t h8
      this is the best b8 to d8

  • I can’t help it feel bad for the dude at the end.

    • super pervert 12 yo ;D 11 years ago

      yah me too… like you had a knife in your chest. But it was his own foult cuz Nanami was an wonderful woman and he cheated and I just fucking hate it!

      • yomandawg 11 years ago

        man, but she cheated him with 3 other guys :/

        • Just because she cheated on him, doesn’t mean HE has too as well. He doesn’t need to sink to the same level as her and cheat.

          • Anonymous 11 years ago

            HE even doing the same, does not mean she is more certain after his mistake and she still acted worse after discovered the “betrayal”.

  • That guy 11 years ago

    This is messed up

  • WTH!!! 11 years ago

    does this has any connection with ep1 and 2? for some reason i feel like it doesnt have any connection at all….

    • #ClearAsDay 11 years ago

      This third ep is a different story with the same main chars. In this one the Dunce husband cheats 1st cause he feels insecure about the red hair guy liking his wife. Red hair catches husband entering brothel and uses it to get in with the wife.

  • Awesome! 11 years ago

    I personally think he got what he deserved and at least she ended it instead of continue to go around begin his back… And the guy she cheated with wasn’t fat :D

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