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I cant put into words how ridiculous this series is. She get forced into being a sex toy because she ignores common sense and makes it 10 times worse on herself, fuck other ppl, but as soon as her husband does it with someone else, she goes back to being a fucking toilet because she felt betrayed; what a fucking two face whore
Moral of the story. the bitch cheated in episode 1 and 2 and had a happy ending. in episode 3, the husband betrays her, she betrays him again and have another happy ending and her husband was detonated in all 3 episodes and in the third episode received a fatality. Really, it was ridiculous.
Omg I thought I was the one who didn’t like the bitch. Like really you cheated but as soon as he does it once she gets mad. Then she left him I wouldve hit that bitch, she was awful. She should have just left him the first time she cheated make it easier on him. I felt so sorry for that guy.
What a slut
This anime or hentai is a well it reminds me of my highschool times
How the fuck is that guy okay with this???
She is total slut. In all the episode, she cheated her husband and when he husband cheated her once, she felt sad and start fucking with her neighbour again? That’s slut!
Agreed. Total slut.
i think ep 1 and 2 had a different story
According to commentators on other sites, said to be a possible remake.
I hope they make a sequel in the “ex-husband” find someone much better than her and she get all regret later. would be an amazing turnaround.
true and the hubby would be like you had your chance you lied to me and you got prego with that red headed bastard learn to live with your fucking around and maybe you should never let jealousy get the better of you
The husband will find someone a thousand times better than her and will be a thousand times happier. I’m sure. :)
when I saw this hentai couple of weeks ago, I was traumatized. now that I have reviewed this hentai I saw that it is a complete shit. I’ve seen bad hentais but this is the worst hentai in the whole universe. I apologize to those who liked it but the truth had to be told.
stop being a moral fag, this shit gets me off
ayyyy mahh nigga
So it took you 3 Episodes to realize you didn’t like it? Holy tits you’re fucking dumb.
No, in episode 1 and 2 it showed “possibly” innocent and in episode 3, after all she’s been through, she felt wronged. proved the opposite of what it was in previous episodes. I did not take 3 episodes to realize that I do not like. only took one episode that was episode 3. I’m sorry if I was not specific. :)
You, you haven’t seen the Hitou Meguri series or Otome Dori series to talk like that….
Sore Demo 3 is the only one NTR i know where the girl ends up with a guy who rellay loves her.
NeoAxle, honestly, not wanting to discuss and cause discussion. I watched these two hentais you mentioned. although they have different endings, one thing happens on all of them. the lovers are betrayed without having done something to deserve it and still get screwed. they become destroyed, shaken and confused and in episode 3 of Soredemo is no different. if I’m wrong correct me but is not true? we saw it. but I also messed up in watching an hentai where there is cheating. if I do not like, I just do not watch. :)
Sorry, I did not mean lovers but Boyfriends.
Moral of the story. the bitch cheated in episode 1 and 2 and had a happy ending. in episode 3, the husband betrays her, she betrays him again and have another happy ending and her husband was detonated in all 3 episodes and in the third episode received a fatality. hentai the worst in history.
I felt offended about this hentai naming the girl Honda Sam.
i blame the bitch for this she never consult with her husband or asked to confirm if he is cheating her for real. the husband probably do it with the girl as a practice perhaps..
i may miss something,but who took that picture??
The guy she screwed
the its obvious to me the red hair guy kinda just as planned, if he got the guts as a man he would confront her husband and declare war.. imo..
red hair guy, very dishonorable
Well after a while he asked if it was really okay, the slut/bitch said its okay just screw me some more, honestly I blame the slut/bitch.
The red haired guy took it after stakeing out a bit.
She could’ve have gave him the ring back before screwing the other guy two wrongs don’t make a right but still loved it no complaints here ;)
Shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on.
Got it, finally subs. So this isn’t a continuation of 1 and 2, but another whole plot, a different story completely.
lol dude this happen to a guy i knew. my best friend was in love with this girl but problem was she had a bf. he was good friends with her too. i knew the bf from work, he’s an asshole and i hated. so anyway my friend see him with another girl kisses and touching and takes a pic. he ask me what to do with it, i tell him send it to his gf that way u might get a chance. so in the end she breaks up with her bf, my buddy gets her and they got married. so lesson he is don’t cheat and don’t be an asshole lol.
Nice, someone should turn that into a love anime. i would watch it to see how the story goes! Btw Congrats to your buddy. :D Never cheat………………………… SHIT! This reminds me of “School Days”!!!!!!! EVERYONE GO WATCH “School Days” the anime. Thats a lesson to learn from that anime!
School days was so fucked up. If you didnt like/couldnt handle this anime^^, dont watch school days; you” probably kill yourself haah
Nice bout
School days is so fucked up, don’t watch it people, it’s the real shit from the pit of hell
Don’t watch school days the anime is really fucked up
It aren’t the same circumstances for the male character as those of your friend.
shinigawa is cool!
So is this a continuing story to part 1. Or the same characters, but telling a different story? I mean we all watched her screw 100 guys! Now she is going to judge him for cheating once! LOL! Has to be a different story, and she has a clean slate! LOL
Oh shit it’s the one chick from that other series! The one with that dude who was in the hospital, and his new girlfriend would come visit him. LOL! Where is that crazy blonde dude with the tan! LOL
I watched that too.. so good.
What series it it??
HOLY SHIT!, Thats sad like a bitch. she left him even though she cheated on him more than 50 times………..shit………….thats gotta hurt……..love,spell it backwards: “evol”
Fuck y’all bitches im second bitches bitches bithces bitches…… Hmppp im starting to like the word
Women Logic:
It’s okay to cheat, but the husband is only allowed to have sex with her.