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March 10, 2025

Hentai: Oni Chichi Harem

Genres: , , , ,

26.75K 4


  • Bob 1 day ago

    Imagine a proper animation studio handling this series instead of literally the worst of them all smh

    • Anonymous 17 hours ago

      Queen Bee is far better than the likes of Nur & Poro. But this series is not good. Monster girls with unrealistic tits. No thanks.

  • Scab and eyelashes pie 1 day ago

    As a huge Queen Bee fan I gotta say, this series has been absolutely terrible so far. In my opinion. Idkw but the scenes tend to linger on the same shot for 5-10 seconds longer then it should, making the whole thing feel padded out. Barley anything happens. You’ve unlimited breast’s and potential, you could do anything, yet you choose to have a sex scene with the same chick from the first episode? And does almost nothing with an empty canvas. It’s just very lackluster from what I expected. Very boring. I didn’t even get an erocktion, wtf QB?

    • Anonymous 1 day ago

      I dont usually watch Queen Bee but i always look at the the characters hair but have you notice that they are improving there animation?