Bookmark us for subs on release day March 28th!
We are the only site that translates new hentai on day one!
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Bookmark us for subs on release day March 28th!
We are the only site that translates new hentai on day one!
Check out our other subbed releases on the front page!
351.65K 17 30
Fat ugly bastards really ruin it all it’s bullsh#t .
Tanaka-san Rebooted, Ler’s fucking go!!
I meant Let’s fucking go!!
HOT AS FUCK!!!!! Can’t Wait.
Holy peak that what we’re talking about please no delay this about to be nice
bruh ofc a fit girl has to be with some fat ugly bastard smh what a way to ruin it
Another masterpiece
This gonna be lit
Calling it right now we not getting this on release date it’s gonna be more like a week or two maybe even a month from release watch.
Thats exactly how it works lol
Glad someone finally got it thru their thick skull
They said there goning to make sure it come out on date
Why do they keep making this with such good art style just to get rammed by a fat dude at least make the dude likable and I bet it’s gonna be 16 min not worth it
never really like this artwork
Stop hating
There is no innovation. All look the same.
Your taste in hentai is ass, Why even bother?
Milf in nylon stockings with great artstyle cant wait for this