Wyoming's new football field: Now with 100 percent more mountains
"Classy end zones are so passé. Hashtags are in. White stripes – boring – are out." — @PaulMyerberg, College Football Historian.
You are looking at the Wyoming Cowboys' new football field.
Did you guess those mountains were the Teton Range, part of the majestic Rockies? Good, now this is a great image *and* a geography lesson. Once again, the Internet is definitely not a waste of time.
The football team is really excited about the mountains, too. From the GoWyo.com:
*Brett Smith, Junior QB: "I think the mountains are the coolest part."
*Patrick Mertens, Senior DT: "I think the new field really brings the Wyoming culture out, and will do a good job of connecting Wyoming fans to our program, especially with the mountains in the end zones."
*Dominic Rufran, Junior WR: "The mountains in the end zones top it off."
*Paul Myerberg, USA TODAY Sports writer: "One side reads 'Wyoming,' the other 'Cowboys,' and there you are. "Welcome to flavor country, it doesn’t say."
Yup, mountains. And the "7220 Feet" on each sideline denotes the elevation of War Memorial Stadium — the highest in the entire Bowl Subdivision. MOUNTAINS!
Can't wait for Wyoming's stadium in 2113! We will truly be living in the future when this happens.
(Thanks to @UniWatch for pointing out this design)