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This hentai would of been a lot better without the boyfriend here. It could have started with the fat pig and blondie walking by the burned apartment then see that girl standing there and offered to stay with them or something like that…sure is a hell a lot less depressing than this.
(**) ฉันขอสาปแช่งคนที่ชอบแย่งแฟนคนอื่น
Chun kor sahp chaeng kon tee chaup yaeng faen kon eun
So I want to curse those who like stealing other people’s girlfriends
ให้กล้ำกลืนน้ำตา ให้รักมันร้าวราน
Hai glum gleun numd tah hai ruk mun rao rahn
Making me suppress my tears, making me regret my love
และจะสาปผู้คน ที่ชอบแย่งแฟนชาวบ้าน
Lae ja sahp poo kon tee chaup yaeng faen chao bahn
And I’ll curse the people who like stealing regular guys’ girlfriends
Jep bpuat toramahn nai chaht nee
With pain and torture in this life
พวกคนใจร้ายที่ใจไม่รักดี อย่าได้เจอรักจริงทุกชาติไป
Puak kon jai rai tee jai mai ruk dee yah dai jur ruk jing took chaht bpai
And everyone with a cruel heart whose hearts aren’t diligent, you won’t find true love in every life here after
This is chorus lyrics from….
Title: สาปแช่งพวกแย่งแฟน / Sahp Chaeng Puak Yaeng Faen (Cursing the Girlfriend Stealers)
Artist: Flame
Album: ของมันแรง / Kaung Mun Raeng (Outrageous Thing)
Year: 2010
Label : RS Promotion
PS. Thai language song
21:00 would’ve been the ideal time to snap, murder them all, and burn down the house.
Final scene would’ve been more satisfying with the house burning down, him grinning/laughing psychotically as he walks down the road, a blood-smeared baseball bat dragging in his hand along the street.
Close up of his deranged smile.
Man U sure know how to get a great ending.
I love this it must have been great to be in so much plesure
This is beautiful, I have seen to another world.
I thought I had reached the limit, but the cenobites
showed me beyond the limits.
Pain and pleasure indivisible.
Fucking ruined my day! I dont know why I finished this fucking hentai. Those guys should be skinned alive!
So stupid.. now how can I erase my memory for this fuck shit.. i guess itonly happens in Muslim countries
Literally every beta fag here would do nothing here just like our story’s victim. Everyone’s a cuck here and your ass would get beaten if you tried going edge lord on their asses. Get alpha faggots or get cucked. Glad the beta fag in the story got cheated on. The moral of this story is also fuck your ladies and stop being a “nice guy” cuz you’ll finish 2nd behind an alpha.
Murder them all.
Burn the house down.
Leave nothing but ashes and death.
Get the fuck out of here you edgy cunt. Get cucked while you’re at it.
lol I think you’re more of a fgt for commenting, drink bleach m8 lmao kys
I understand everybody’s feels here. if your all fans of the animation and nothing else(everybody), I suggest Tokubetsu Jugyou
if that was me bieng told to leave this house i would legit say “i will kill you” then get a knife and go fucking izaya style on them
Same I would’ve probably joined him
I wish the kid finally snapped, and like tied up the dad and brother and dlike hung them upside down and then literally fucked the girl until she couldnt take anymore and just wanted to finally stop and then the next time they try to have sex with her she’s so traumatized she never wants to again or something like that. Either that or pretty much everybody gets like killed or something…
The forum is a breigthr place thanks to your posts. Thanks!
What a bunch of whiny babies. They cant even handle the hardcore classics
This is fucking sick, disgusting pigs! This relates to society nowadays too considering girls are now sluts. I feel so sorry for this dude… He saw his mom get fucked by his dad and brother and now his (Ex) GF?!? This isn’t even a turn-on.
Can one of these end up with the dude getting some justice and killing everyone?
Of that was me everyone dies
It’s so sad for her boyfriend
And come on woman! Have some self control! Have sex with your boyfriend for once!
I bet she’ll enjoy iy!
The sex was good but the story makes me sad :(
I admire girls who’s doing this
You sir, have problens
fucking lol at that beta fag
U know wat screw this one animation is the only good thing about it NOTahINg ELSE (for me that is)
Reminds me of my mom what about you buddy
good animation thats it the story makes want cut their dick off cmon as a man i dont want rape their own daunther this is just fcking nasty !!!!!!!!!