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  1. Juststickitin

    Juststickitin Sex Lover

    Sep 21, 2019
    what the cave woman who invented the blowjob swallowed or spit and if she could deep throat? i wonder if she would be dtf if she were around today? spun thoughts.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Barry D

    Barry D Over-Watch Commander

    Sep 9, 2019
    I would think that the "blowjob" is a fairly recent addition to sexual pleasure in the history of homo sapiens. Back then homo sapiens were working with a simple procreate drive and could barely think . Hell, they were barely using tools.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. LastOfTheJedi
      Much like in the halls of power around the world these days as well.
      LastOfTheJedi, Feb 17, 2022
      Ncgremlin, stan123 and Barry D like this.
    2. dinny
      “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
      dinny, Feb 18, 2022
      curiousscouser, John227 and Barry D like this.
  3. Juststickitin

    Juststickitin Sex Lover

    Sep 21, 2019
    nah dude those cave bitches were whores seen it in a movie once that bitch had the sluttiest little fur skirt and top i have ever seen she def. was dtf in the movie. You must be really niave to think cave people werent into kinky shit i mean come on look at all the bones lying around their cave she obviously picked one up and got one off while her caveman was off hunting teridactyles.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. Barry D

    Barry D Over-Watch Commander

    Sep 9, 2019
    You totally lost any merit to your argument by saying you saw it in a movie. I'm done here..
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Juststickitin

    Juststickitin Sex Lover

    Sep 21, 2019
    merit...haha cave chicks rock
  6. StrawberryCupcake

    StrawberryCupcake ⭐️Cheese Tease⭐️

    Jun 7, 2018
    You’re single, aren’t you?
    • Funny x 8
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    1. Barry D
      And probably young too....
      Barry D, Feb 17, 2022
      dinny, Volt_4 and StrawberryCupcake like this.
    2. StrawberryCupcake
      I’m pretty sure I was smarter than that when I was in middle school lol.
      StrawberryCupcake, Feb 17, 2022
      mstrman, Ncgremlin, dinny and 3 others like this.
    3. Barry D
      Honey I would bet the farm on that!!
      Barry D, Feb 17, 2022
      dinny, Volt_4 and StrawberryCupcake like this.
  7. curiousscouser

    curiousscouser Porn Star

    Apr 26, 2011
    Since oral sex is common among primates (as is anal sex and masturbation - bonobos, for example, spend half their lives having sex in a surprising variety of ways), it's safe to assume that oral sex is nothing new.

    Humans have been having sex for their entire existence. Nothing is new.
    • Like x 10
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  8. cremieux23

    cremieux23 Porno Junky

    Sep 1, 2021
    If there was ever a post that screams the OP is stoned out of their fucking mind, this one is it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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    1. LastOfTheJedi
      Agreed. Dude wants to go down on monkeys.
      LastOfTheJedi, Feb 17, 2022
  9. Dirty jedi

    Dirty jedi Believe the hype Banned!

    Dec 27, 2021
    Primitive woman was not some bikini model in a bit of fluff
    She was dumb, walked with a lungeous gait and had similar brain power to a alsation
    Not the hotness you was expecting
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. odi144

    odi144 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2021
    There's proof that Egyptian women gave bj's centuries ago.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. WhyteKnight
      Ahh yes, the mummy they found with an erection. No dignity in death.
      WhyteKnight, Feb 18, 2022
      stan123 likes this.
    2. dinny
      Part of the mummification process was the removal and inurnment of the family jewels... you must have been thinking of a broomstick.
      dinny, Feb 18, 2022
      WhyteKnight likes this.
    3. WhyteKnight
      Or I just made it up ;)
      WhyteKnight, Feb 18, 2022
      dinny likes this.
  11. Juststickitin

    Juststickitin Sex Lover

    Sep 21, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    Things that make you go hmmmmm...
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  13. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    This thread is awesome lol.

    I think humans have been doing what feels good since the beginning of time. And I’m sure back when we first started walking uptight, some guy thought a mouth looked like a good place to put his dick…and voila! Millennia later, it’s one of my fav things to do :p

    • Winner Winner x 7
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    1. LabiaLover69
      Thank God in heaven...
      LabiaLover69, Feb 19, 2022
      Cherrypop and paulavettbrothers like this.
    2. Cherrypop
      Cherrypop, Feb 20, 2022
      lastkiss555 and hornybigguy68 like this.
  14. mikex2

    mikex2 Amateur

    Jul 4, 2010
    Speaking of cave dwellers. They reason cave men dragged their women by their hair, is because if you dragged them by their feet, they would fill up with dirt. :):);)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  15. Jeffieboy

    Jeffieboy Porn Star

    Nov 6, 2009
    How do you know it was a cave woman? Could have been a cave man
    • Like Like x 1
  16. randallgossip

    randallgossip Bad Wolf

    May 1, 2016
    And in the distance, a tall black slab watches silently from a hilltop, thinking "Oh yeah... That's right, baby... Suck it... You get you some of that caveman dick..."
  17. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    Check for bears and wolves before entering a cave ;)
  18. John227

    John227 Porn Star

    Sep 14, 2014
    I have wondered something similar. Archeologists have discovered drawings, etchings, paintings, sculptures, and other artwork from the times of the ancient Romans, ancient Greeks, and ancient Indians of we humans engaging in sexual activity. These date to 2,000 and 3,00 years ago. Some examples have been posted in this very forum.

    I wonder if prehistoric humans - cavemen - drew humans having sex in the same way they drew various animals. I can't see why they didn't or wouldn't. Perhaps they did and no such drawings have been discovered yet. Or perhaps they did, such drawings have been discovered, but they are being suppressed by whatever powers that be who decide on such archeological matters.

    Small sculptures of nude women - I understand they are referred to as 'Venus figurines' - have been discovered and dated to over 12,000 years ago. What happened to the sculptures and drawings of naked men, of the male phallus, of men and women mating, of male and female animals mating? I am curious of the sexual positions and sexual acts we humans engaged in 10,000, 15,000, or 20,000 years ago. We have had a taste of how we did it 3,000, 4000, and 5,000 years ago. I'm hungry for more.
    1. randallgossip

      There's also a few of dudes fucking animals, but it would technically be against the rules to post them here
      randallgossip, Feb 19, 2022
      John227 likes this.
    2. WhyteKnight
      If you were ever in Pompei, there was one building which had the walls covered with sexual artwork. It was the local brothel I think. Left nothing to the imagination. It was a normal part of the society. Then that damm volcano had to go and ruin it!
      WhyteKnight, Feb 19, 2022
    3. randallgossip
      I think I've posted a couple of those in the "Erotic poetry & sexual post.." thread
      randallgossip, Feb 19, 2022
      WhyteKnight likes this.
    4. LabiaLover69
      It's difficult to determine the age of the couple engaged in sex in that drawing. But, considering that early man had a much shorter life expectancy, it's quite likely that one or both of the cave dwellers in the drawing are under the modern day legal age. So, this is likely one of the first examples of child porn. Not that I'm condoning it... ;)
      LabiaLover69, Feb 19, 2022
      paulavettbrothers likes this.