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[lol]Kateikyoushi No Oneesan The Animation 1 Subbed[/lol]
These hoes keeps complaining about NTR…
Then dont watch it fcking bastards…
Simple as that
People can complain all they want about the is nasty ass shit. Don’t read comments if you’re gonna be triggered you piece of shit.
We complain about it because there are absolute scum of people that do that in real life.
And because fortunately there is still people with faith in humanity.
Even tho unfortunately I use it ,later on whenever I think about it I get depressed as fuck and feel sick as hell.
Well this is a porn but ain’t no one gonna talk about the ending song! It’s so fucking fine as hell.
Can anyone tell me the sauce of the song instead? I’m really laughing to myself writing this. Getting song recommendation from porn.