March 18, 2013

Hentai: Bible Black

Genres: , ,

1.67M 321


  • The Laundryman 10 years ago

    So, she needs a virgin sacrifice, in order to find one, she fucks the girls at school……
    That defeats the point of needing a virgin sacrifice

    • RetroHentai 10 years ago

      Same thing i said

    • She uses the penis to see if they have a hymen. Sure, she could use a dildo, but where’s the fun in that?

    • Technicality 10 years ago

      Actually, a virgin sacrifice is just someone who has never been used as a sacrifice before. Thus the term, “virgin blood”, meaning the blood has never been used for a sacrifice before. Of course, this hentai could just have a massive plot hole, as most are apt to have.

      I learned a new thing today and spreading knowledge through a hentai website comment section seems to be my sole purpose in life :p

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Lol, I’m 18 and like Hentai…… but I’m allowed to, cause I’m an adult!! x’DD

  • Glowing Rape Apocalypse 11 years ago

    I gotta make shorter comments… ._. Less also…

  • Glowing Rape Apocalypse 11 years ago

    Is it normal that I’ve already seen all the hentai suggested in the “related” section? :P

  • Glowing Rape Apocalypse 11 years ago

    Sawdust sawdust, lesser sawdust… That’s what it sounds like!!! Sawdust = Jesus btw…

  • Glowing Rape Apocalypse 11 years ago

    What, do all swords need that cross shaped handle? Are they special? I think yes coz one of them made blood explode and leek everywhere with barely 1 thrust… And also, I learned something new! Penises can release sperm without having balls nor do they need to be on males. Oh! I almost forgot about how useful it is to write on a piece of paper an “a” with blood while the paper is shaped as poorly done human and immediately saying some ritual in Latin that makes when someone confess their love, they instantly want to make love… This is all less than half the episode… Please black god, spare my life…

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      The cross thing on a sword prevents your hand from being chopped of while in combat. Your opponent swings, slashes, misses and it slides down to the cross thing and stops there instead of cutting off your thumbs

    • Thumbless jack 10 years ago

      The cross thing on a sword prevents your hand from being chopped of while in combat. Your opponent swings, slashes, misses and it slides down to the cross thing and stops there instead of cutting off your thumbs

  • I kill hentai people like you because you,re not human 11 years ago

    I wonder how many little kids are here who watch hentai because they can’t get a real girlfriend so they watch rape and shit what I bet if they see what goes on in this world they would be shocked and would regret all the stuff they watch for fun cuz they don’t realize this stuff goes on in the real world

    • Paul Revere 11 years ago

      Woah, look out guys. We’ve got someone who thinks they’re superior for watching hentai at an older age than most of it’s audience (supposedly, considering you’re not just some kid trying to look “cool” on the internet).

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      watch out guys hes on a hentai site , talking about how girls summon satan to fuck other girls get off the internet

    • Chaos Storm For C2 10 years ago

      If you’re trying to act cool you are failing badly.

  • Seriyu 11 years ago

    Please tell me I’m not the only one super excited that this video is not censored!

  • Takashi 11 years ago

    My name is taka canja

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Seriously why the fuck does everyone say their age or lie about their age. You disgusting lerverts acting like your little kids and shit agh fuckin creeps

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    wat genre you like Im 14 and i like incest

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      I like harem I’m 11and who wouldn’t want a collection of girls plus I’m a boy so don’t be freaked out

    • mewant 10 years ago

      I love incest too , specially with mother and son or guy cousins :)

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    What about me? I’m 11 years old, girl and I LIKE HENTAI.

  • You know, I’m only 12 and I watch videos like this. Is there something wrong?

    • Uzumaki's Boy 11 years ago

      Ha, join the club! I’m also 12.

    • Not really anymore, probably would be better if you didn’t see it but it’s not really anything major. Just don’t take anything you see hear to heart. Girls aren’t actually like this, sex isn’t actually like this, life isn’t actually like this. It’s just to jerk off to.

    • Nope, nothing wrong, I’m twelve too.

    • GeekReaper 11 years ago

      not really but. whatever. nobody cares, you are a kiddo than watch hentai, oh great thing! If you want to presume that, if you want to share that. Why you dont share that with your parents? Im sure than they will hear your point. but here, nobody care that.

      • Le Lenny Face 11 years ago

        Why is this shitposting fest still going?

      • Anonymous 11 years ago

        Btw stuff like this happens in real life probably right now I heard this on the news about three guys raped a girl then they put a padlock in her mouth like actually cut a hole in her mouth because she was screaming then the guys got a shovel and put it in her pussy then got all her guts out then they ate her guts what you guys think of hentai now you fucking sick people!!!

        • Anonymous 10 years ago

          Lol…. Sure, people do this in real life….
          This is just an anime, AKA it’s not real, so we can enjoy it all we so desire….
          It sucks for that poor unfortunate female who had her poor little screaming trap cut open because she was being raped…. Three men??? For shame…. They put a bad name on all the men in the community…. *shrugs* Oh well, what happened happened, and all we can do is hope it doesn’t happen again…. I guess..

        • Anonymous 10 years ago

          I’d jack off to that. Have a video?

    • Takashi 11 years ago

      Me 2 wat a big club

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Yes something is wrong you are a not human people who watch this stuff are fucking not human and now little kids have found this fucking horrible rape/hentai/pedo stuff out and are now watching rape and shit

      • Glowing Rape Apocalypse 11 years ago

        K, first of all, look how many replys on that comment I’m replying to… Second of all. Now before I get spammed with replys on how I’m an idiot and that I should die, or something negative, I just wanna say that most people complaining about, anything at all, as long as your name is ” anonymous ” as in, you’re nameless, your argument will have a terrible drop in relevancy. Just letting u know…

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Saaammmeeeee heeerrreeeee…… C:

  • The 4th rapekage of the hidden porn village 11 years ago

    Girl with the green hair though

  • The Realest Nigga Here 11 years ago


  • The Realest Nigga Here 11 years ago

    This shit is a classi

  • FinalFantasySlaveChanX3 11 years ago

    Futanaris make me soo horny. <3

  • -Moans-

  • dhurt 11 years ago

    go find this dubbed best ever

  • fk me 11 years ago


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